Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kitiş

Süleyman Demirel University


Mehmet Kitis is professor in Dept. of Environmental Engineering in Suleyman Demirel University, Türkiye. He has a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering and Science from Clemson University, USA. He worked as a process engineer in CH2MHILL Inc., CA USA. His main research areas include water/wastewater treatment and reuse, membrane processes, watershed management, industrial cleaner production applications, industrial water efficiency, disinfection by-products, advanced treatment processes. He has been making research and consulting for more than 25 years in these areas. Prof. Kitis has published 120 peer-reviewed papers and books/book chapters (web of science h-index: 39). He presented more than 200 conference papers. He worked in 73 national/international research and engineering projects including those of USA AWWARF, USEPA, EU IPA, TÜBİTAK, Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, and others. He received 26 national/international scientific/engineering awards. He has advised a total of 29 M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis. He has involved in a total of 47 technical/academic/social/administrative positions including department chair, vice rector, consultant to ministries, international companies and various industries, research institute director (TÜBİTAK MAM), editorial board member, chamber of commerce advisor, and others

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Water/wastewater treatment and reuse, membrane processes, watershed management



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